b o o k s

Click here to read my award-winning short story from Speculative Faith's 2017 Winter Writing Challenge.

    // this thundering sky

• GENRE: medieval/high fantasy

• STATUS: draft 3 (writing)

• SERIES: book 1 in The Banshee Chronicles

• GOAL: publication in 2022

• TEASER: There is a thin line between rejection and royalty.

    // ignis

{pinterest + spotify}

• GENRE: sci-fi

• STATUS: draft 1 (on hold)


  1. These look SO cool. If you are ever in need of a beta reader, I love helping fellow writers as much as I can. :) God bless!!! ~John 3:16~

    1. Thank you so much, Rebeka!!

      When one of my stories is (finally) ready for beta reading, I'll be sure to let you know. <3

  2. Where or how did you do those covers? I like them. I plan on publishing books at some point, but I didn't know how I would do the covers.

    1. Thanks, Leah! I make mock covers through a combination of BeFunky Photo Editor and Canva. I get most of my background images from Unsplash. I hope that helps! I can't wait to see your covers!


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