Sunday, April 7, 2019

january, february, & march highlights, ft. a tiny vlog || getting my driver's license, turning 18, + ALSO starting college???


I fell off the blogging horse sometime last year, and in the process of heaving myself back on, I keep falling off. (Which I'm taking measures to fix. But more on that on Wednesday. πŸ˜‰) January went by with a heave! and a ho! and a solid 5 posts!!!! (Let's do that AGAIN!) Aaaand February came about with 0 (????) posts and ALSO me looking for my metaphorical saddle, which I started to dust off in March and am currently working to prep and put back together.

In other words, THIS POST IS VERY LATE. (I'm still working on that saddle!) I don't expect my posting schedule to turn as wackadoodle as last year, because I LOVE blogging. But I'm still learning how to make time for it. So please excuse this rush-job of a post... and then tell me how your past couple months have been! πŸ˜˜

    // life in january

➸ I auditioned for my campus's production of Alice in Wonderland and was cast as the Cheshire Cat "master puppeteer" (technically, the title was "lead cat," but since Mr. Cheshire was a GIANT puppet that took up nearly half the stage, "master puppeteer" sounds so much more accurate + epic)

 I finished my 7th semester of high school (I. HAVE. ONE. LEFT. NOW. *cue screaming*)


    // life in february

 I took my driving exam and was super terrified but I PASSED!!!!

 I started leading the women's Bible study at church (!!!!). We're reading Uninvited (book + study guide) by Lysa TerKeurst, which is a majorly personal study but also something I'm super passionate about, so I'm SO pumped I get to lead it!

 I gave my first speech (which was legit only 1 minute but I DID IT)

 Lots of school. (Too much school.)

 Lots of rehearsals for Alice.

 Lots of sleep deprivation.

 It's 110% a mystery I did not get sick.

    // life in march

 I got to meet up with a couple other people from church to plan our congregation's Youth Meeting (spoiler alert: I'm super happy about how this is starting to come together! And yes, I'm totally going to type up a post about it as the date approaches. Mark your calendar for July 31 - August 4, 2019, if you think you can make it!)

 My grandpa came to visit!

 Alice performances happened!

 We had our second council for the Youth Meeting! (I deemed them "councils" because "meeting meeting" sounds WAY TOO COMPLICATED)

 Saint Patrick's Day happened without anything special in particular but it just felt generally lovely πŸ˜ŠπŸ€

 SPRING BREAAAK, ft. a week-long trip to Morro Bay + San Luis Obispo with the Bestie™'s family (but without the Bestie™ because college is cruel and gave her school a different spring break from the rest of ussss 😭😭😭)

I turned 18??!!?! My fam + the Bestie™'s fam spent the day at the beach (where I took a loooong, chill nap πŸŒ›), eating rolled ice cream (my first time! HAZELNUT ROLLED ICE CREAM IS MY NEW FAVORITE THING), and inhaling eating vegan doughnuts (again, HAZELNUT = 😍😍😍)

 I MADE A VLOG FOR YOU! I saw Sarah @ The Introverted Extrovert do this last month and I LOVED THE IDEA, so I decided to carry my camera close for March. The video is super shaky but I LOVE IT AND I'M SO EXCITED TO SHARE IT WITH YOU πŸ’•Here you goooo:

    // moments

 Our dusty brown chaparrals rose into a full, vibrant green so gorgeous that the drive to church felt like I was driving through the Irish countryside (I. LOVED. IT. πŸ˜πŸŒΏπŸ˜πŸŒΏ but the green is gone now & I miss it so muuuch)

 Driving east for a Youth Meeting council on a stormy morning, watching low-hanging clouds and high fog pierce the hills, and just thinking, I wish every day could be as enchanting as this

 Almost falling asleep offstage during tech rehearsals


 5yo cousin: OLIVIA???!

      Me: Yes?

      5yo cousin: I LOVE YOUUU

 Discovering that bathing my dog in tomato juice = a fun experience for, lol, NEITHER ONE OF US (she got sprayed by a skunk πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

 Waking up in the morning under super soft blankets, hair damp from last night's shower, dogs sound asleep at the foot of my bed πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

    // fav reads

 To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han // ★★★★☆ // Surprisingly different from the movie, but ADORABLE NONETHELESS (also I CANNOT WAIT to read + watch P.S. I Still Love You)

 Mark of the Raven by Morgan L. Busse // ★★★★★ // My first read of Morgan's and IT WAS SO AMAZING???? I don't think I've ever anticipated a book as much as I'm anticipating its sequel??????? 😍😍😍😍😍 (I'M OBSESSED NOW)

 The Moon Master's Ball by Clara Diane Thompson // ★★★★★ // Yes, I read this last spring buT DOES THAT MATTER? NOPE BECAUSE THIS BOOK IS DARLING

    // april goals

 Focus on school + getting ahead

 Write speech no. 3

 Prep May's blog posts

 Conquer Camp NaNo [reach 20k on Ignis]

 Tidy my room (it's a ridiculous mess in desperate need of some massive reorganization πŸ™ˆ)

 Take more moments to read + breathe ✌️

And that about sums up my January - March. (JUST KIDDING, I probably forgot 1 million + 1 details but details πŸ€·)

how was your end of winter and start of spring, dragon-friend? what did you do?


  1. Congrats on passing your drivers exam!! How exciting! I love the pictures at the beginning of this post. Very beautiful. xD
    I think all I've really done in the past three months is try to get my WIP finished! Haha.

  2. YAY for passing your driver's test!!! :DDD And also, YAY for turning 18!!! How does it feel, being a REAL adult now? XD

    AGH love that vlog!! So well put together and BEAUTIFUL. <333


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